11 Jan

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i have a question: my friend needs to pick a major. she is a sophomre. besides an exciting career in engeneering, do you have any suggestions of majors that would be usefull when one is looking for a job that pays more than 25,000 a year. she likes similar things to you and i; art, history, psychology. you know, the majors that dont do anything.

Let’s assume we aren’t talking CEO here okay…also note that this is my interpretation of the information that I have found- Anyway the types of jobs that made a lot of money when we were kids might not necessarily be the types of jobs that are projected to have high paying salaries or more importantly be who is going to be hiring after graduation. Also another thing that no one tells you is that experience is something that employers are really looking for…I know I know you are busy and you can’t get a job without a degree and all that, but I am just the messenger. U.S. Dept. of Labor Bureau of Statistics says that it is projected 2002-2012 employment in the top 20 large growth, high paying occupations that usually require a bachelor’s degree or graduate:

Postsecondary Education Teachers (a surprising number 1)

General and Operations Managers

Elementary School teachers (except Special ED)

Accountants and Auditors

Computer Systems Analyst

Secondary School Teachers (yippy)

Computer software engineers, applications

Management analyst

Special Education teachers



Financial managers

Network systems, data communications

Sales managers

Computer and information systems management

Network and computer system administrators

Chief executives

Computer Programmers

Medical and Health service managers.


Anyway I posted all of this because I think that it is something that we all need to consider. Many of you are many years away from your careers, but are at a critical age in determining about where you want to go. A Bachelor’s degree is not a luxury any longer but a necessity. Do something you love, but also be realistic. What are you good at? Anyone will love their job if they can do it well and somehow set them apart from the ever growing competition. And think globally; the job market is world wide now and nothing like the job market of our parents’ generation. Good Luck and remember ask Rodeo Mom!

2 Responses to “”

  1. ftbomh January 11, 2006 at 10:26 PM #

    you are the best rodeo mom ever.tomorrow, while in semniar (suprising right?) i will be talking to the councelor about my schedule.what questions are important to ask?

  2. dumplingking January 12, 2006 at 4:22 AM #

    you’re friend could be an anthropology major.

Lemme know